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Backlist titles

Represented titles (those we sell translation rights for that we did not publish) are available as pdfs, only to publishers in other languages  Please request here.

Digital copies of backlist titles published  by Sparkling Books are available on request to:

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The Financial System Limit and The Greatest Crash are also available through this service.

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Request The Sicilian Woman's Daughter

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Request Psychology of Crowds

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Request Lynnwood

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Request The Eloquence of Desire

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Request When Anthony Rathe Investigates

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Request Featherbones

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Request The True Friend (English only)

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Request A Taste for Blood

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Request The Greatest Crash

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Request Petronella and the Janjilons

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Request Peregrine Harker & The Black Death

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Request Further Exploits of Sherlock Holmes (no print edition)

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Request The Financial System Limit

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Individual previews of the three titles in Three British Mystery Novels:


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