Reinventing Democracy: Improving British political governanceDemocracy is under threat. 90% of electors want political reform. But how to escape the mess? Britain should adopt a federal structure with a written constitution and an elected apolitical People's Council replacing autocratic and ineffective bodies, and preventing a slide to autocracy or worse.
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David Kauders FRSA was educated at Latymer Upper School, Jesus College Cambridge and Cranfield School of Management. He is an investment manager and author.
e-pub format e-book
£4.99 €4.99 US$4.99
ISBN: 9781907230226
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Hardback 224/226 pp
£25 €27.50 US$29.50
ISBN: 9781907230202
Casebound, laminated
Print editions indexed. 224 page edition uses smaller font for index, texts identical
Hypertext links in e-book
Also by David Kauders
The Greatest Crash: Avoiding the financial system limit (revised 2024)
Understanding Brexit Options: What future for Britain? (e-book only)
The Financial System Limit: The world's real debt burden (Print edition is subtitled Britain's real debt burden)