Understanding Brexit Options: What future for Britain?

David Kauders

Is the existing trade agreement good enough?  Get facts, not spin!

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The basic trade and cooperation agreement has proved woefully insufficient for Britain's needs. It has reduced the supply of doctors, nurses, lorry drivers, agricultural and hospitality workers, bringing pressure and chaos to everyday life. It has hit or will damage exports and employment in fishing, food, artistic and other services and it threatens the peace in Ireland. Leaving the EU internal energy market has doubled gas prices relative to the rest of Europe. Promised new trade opportunities have vanished.

This book explains alternative relationships with Europe. The detrimental effect on trade in both goods and services that has been caused by leaving the single market was entirely foreseeable. As the United Kingdom's relationship with Europe changes and evolves, the book documents better options that Britain needs but are rejected by its politicians.


See also  GoodReads reviews 

"The need for a reasoned and sensible debate about the impact of Brexit has never been higher, with continued Government obfuscation about what Britain's exit from the EU will entail. David Kauders' well-researched book concisely explains the different Brexit options available and details their implications, with the case for Britain's continued access to the single market shining through. Kauders' work should be required reading for all those wishing to quickly grasp the consequences of Brexit"

- Lord Bilimoria, Chairman, Cobra Beer Partnership and Cross Bench member of the House of Lords

"With little clarity over what Brexit entails, 'Understanding Brexit Options' takes its reader through the options open to the UK in its future relationship with the EU. It helps lift the fog hanging over the toughest decision the UK will have to take in this generation."

- Tom Brake

"'Understanding Brexit Options' by David Kauders illuminates the complexity of the options involved: staying within the single market, within the customs union, or either, or both. Or neither, which is what a hard Brexit would mean, or some sort of associated agreement (which seems the least likely). Brexiteers gave voters no idea of what they had in mind, and for that matter still seem to be at sixes and sevens over what they hope to achieve. Kauders exposes the facile promises of a free trade bonanza after Brexit in an increasingly protectionist world, and the illusion that we can stay in the single market and control our own borders - "have our cake and eat it" in Boris Johnson's dream world. In fact, anyone who wants to be better informed about the best solution, or the least bad, or feels they should be, could do no better than to read this clear analysis."

- Lord Taverne



Understanding Brexit Options: What future for Britain?

E-book ISBN 978-1-907230-64-6

Ebook ISBN: 9781907230646





£350M claim, 1972 European Communities Act, 1975 Referendum, 2017 election, 2019 Election, AC Grayling, Accountability, Agriculture, Air travel, Airbus, Amendment 7, Anand Menon, Andrew Duff ,Andrew Pierce, Angela Merkel, Anna Soubry, ARM, Arron Banks, Article 127, Article 218 ,Article 24, Article 50, Article 50 extension, Australia, Backstop, Balkans, Baltic States, Bank of England, BBC, Ben Chu, Bernard Jenkin, Betrayal, BMW, Borders, Boris Johnson, Bregret, Brexit logic, Brexit news sources, Brexit Party, Brexit Scenarios, British constitution, Business, Canada, CANZUK, Car industry, Care sector, CBI, CETA, Change Britain, Channel 4 News, Channel Islands, Charles Grant, Chequers proposal, China, Citizens' rights, Civil service, Clean Brexit, Cliff edge, Common Travel Area, Commonwealth, Conservative Party, Control, Cooper, Cornwall, Costs of Brexit, Customs Union, Daily Express, Damian Green, Daniel Hannan, Data protection, David Allen Green, David Bannerman, David Cameron, David Davis, David Henig, Digby Jones, Dominic Cummings, Dominic Raab, Donald Trump, Donald Tusk, DUP, Dyson, EBA, ECJ, Economic forecasts, EEA, EMA, Employment, E, Elections, ERG, EU Council, EU Referendum, EU Withdrawal Bill, Euratom, European City of Culture, European Common Aviation Area, European Medical Agency, European Medicines Authority, Experts, Faisal Islam, Financial Services, Financial settlement, Fiscal deficit, Fishing, Flexcit, Florence speech, Foreign direct investment, Foreign policy, Free Trade Area, Freedom of Movement, Geo-politics, George Eaton, George Soros, Georgina Wright, German car industry, Gibraltar, Gisela Stuart, globalization, globalisation, Grimsby, Guy Verhofstadt, Hard Brexit, Heidi Allen, High Court, History, Honda, Humiliation, Iain Duncan Smith, Ian Birrell, Ian Dunt, Immigration, Independent Group, Indicative Votes, Institute of Government, International reactions, Investment, Ireland, Irish border, Ivan Rogers, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Jacobin, Janet Daley, Japan, JCB, Jeremy Corbyn, Jeremy Hunt, Jersey model, Jo Swinson, John Bercow, John Lanchester, John Longworth, John Major, John Redwood, John Springford, Jolyon Maugham, Jon Worth, Jonathan Lis, Jonathan Portes, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Kamikaze Brexit, Kate Hoey, Katy Hayward, Keir Starmer, Ken Clarke, Kenneth Armstrong, Kirsty Hughes, Kyle-Wilson amendment, Labour, Labour Party, Lancaster House speech, Laura Kuenssberg, Leadership, Leave campaign, Leave HQ, Leave means Leave, Letwin Amendment, Liam Fox, Liberal democrats, Local Elections, Lorand Bartels, LSE/Oxford study, London School of Economics, Managed No Deal, Margaret Thatcher, Mark Carney, Marmite, Martin Vogel, Matthew Parris, McCarthyism, Meaningful votes, Media, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mervyn King, Michael Gove ,Michael Heseltine, Michel Barnier, MIT study, Molly Scott Cato, Monique Hawkins, Munich speech, Mutual Recognition Agreements, Nadine Dorries, NAFTA, National Government, NATO, NHS, Nick Clegg, Nick Cohen, Nicky Morgan, NIESR, Nigel Farage, Nigel Lawson, Nissan, No deal Brexit, Non-tariff barriers, Northern Ireland, Norway, OECD, Oliver Norgrove, Opinion polls, Otto English, Owen Paterson, Parliament, Passports, Patrick Minford, Patriotism, Paul Waugh, Peter Bone, Peter Foster, Peter Hargreaves, Peter Holmes, Peter Lilley, Peter Mandelson, Peter North, Peter Ungphakhorn, Phase 1 agreement, Phase 2, Phil Hogan, Philip Davies, Philip Hammond, Political Declaration, political tensions, Polly Polak, Populism, Position papers, Post-truth, Pound, Pragmatic Brexit, Project Fear, Public opinion, Punishment, Queen's Speech, Quotas, Rafael Behr, Regulation, Reputation of UK, Residency rights, Revocation, Russia, Ruth Davidson, Ryanair, Sabine Weyand, Salzburg, Samuel Low, Scotland, Second referendum, Sectoral Brexit, ERG, Security, Self-pity, Simon Jenkins, Simon Wren-Lewis, Single market, Sophia Besch, Sovereignty, Spain, Stephen Baker, Sterling, Steve Baker, Steve Peers, Strategy, Sunderland, Supply Chains, Supreme Court, Suzanne Evans, Switzerland, Tariffs, The New European, Theresa May, Theresa Villiers, Tim Farron, Tim Shipman, Tony Blair, Tony Connelly, Totalitarianism, Toyota, TPP, Trade, Transitional deal, Treasury, Turkey, UK Trade Policy Observatory, UKIP, Ukraine, DCFTA, Ultra Brexit, Uncertainty, Unemployment, United States, Victimhood, Vince Cable, Visas, Wales, War, Wetherspoon, White paper, Withdrawal Agreement, WTO, Ursula von der Leyen



About the author

David Kauders FRSA was educated at Latymer Upper School, Jesus College Cambridge and Cranfield School of Management. He is an investment manager and author.

Understanding Brexit Options: What future for Britain?

e-book £4.99, €4.99, $4.99 ISBN: 978190723064-6

Published by Sparkling Books

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The Financial System Limit: The world's real debt burden

The Greatest Crash: Avoiding the financial system limit

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