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"An extraordinary and inherently riveting read from beginning to end, The Sicilian Woman's Daughter is an original and deftly crafted novel showcasing the genuine flair for narrative story telling...highly recommended" - Midwest Book Reviews, USA

"I loved this book. The transformation of Maria was remarkable to read. Ms. Lo Scuro does a fantastic job filling in the sordid past of Maria’s family and blending it in with the present day characters." - USA reviewer

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This exciting anthology brings together the work of two much admired Sherlock Holmes writers. In these stories Holmes and Watson are engaged in daring exploits applying their razor-sharp intelligence in new cases.

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The unthinkable is happening in Lynnwood – a village with centuries of guilt on its conscience.

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See also Three British Mystery Novels

"It’s a tale that will keep them wondering, gasping, thinking, smiling, grimacing, rereading. What more can a reader ask for?" - Reviewer

Ellipsis is a disturbing thriller stemming from what is left unsaid, what bounces around in the mind and evaporates when trying to remember. Can there be a conclusion when no-one seems to know the truth?


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See also Three British Mystery Novels

"The four novellas of this book are masterpieces of their kind." - Reviewer, USA

Prosecuting criminal cases, lawyer Anthony Rathe convinced a jury to imprison an innocent man, who subsequently took his own life. Horrified at his mistake, Rathe abandons his glittering legal career, vowing to truly serve justice. A series of cases come his way.


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Two plots running parallel... you won't see what's coming


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See also Three British Mystery Novels

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"an atmospheric novel with thought-provoking themes" - UK reviewer


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Omnibus edition of three of our titles:

A Taste for Blood by David Stuart Davies

Ellipsis by Nikki Dudley

Lynnwood by Thomas Brown


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Translation of Carlo Goldoni's classic Italian comedy, in parallel text Italian and English.

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e-book 9781907230349 English translation only

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"This is an exquisitely written novel; deft, poised, and with a writer's ear for the rhythms of the world around us. Featherbones does the always-difficult job of making the strange familiar, while asking us to attend again to the things we think we know." - UK reviewer

“...a unique story and I appreciated that, along with the beautiful writing. Very thought provoking novel.” - Canadian reviewer

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London 1908: A secret society stalks the murky streets, a deadly assassin lurks in the shadows and a series of unexplained deaths are linked by a mystery symbol…

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e-book 9781907230493

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e-book 9781907230585

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"innovative and insightful... I couldn't wait to devour part two" - Times Educational Supplement


"I was utterly flabbergasted... one of the most compelling novels I've ever read" - Heffers Review, Cambridge


e-book 9781907230370

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“Kids will like this. Girls will like it for romance and boys will like it for the scare factor.”

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Changing the course of British politics?

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"A compelling and clear pathway out of Britain’s failing political morass towards a brighter, truly democratic future.” - The European


“A powerful, persuasive, and timely wake-up call for transforming the UK into a federal state. A must-read.” Richard Moriarty - The Sun

E-book 9781907230226

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Challenges the economic consensus


Banks failing. Again.

Share prices dicey.  Again.

Trade wars. Again.

Households struggling with debt.

Businesses with costly debt failing.

Negative yield curve forecasting recession: thirty-year debt much cheaper than one-year debt.

And we haven’t got anywhere near the next financial crisis. Yet.

What is the common factor? One-fifth of world economic output is spent paying interest. Wasted.

This book explains the real problem: Debt cannot expand to infinity.

“Radical thinkers might have a point” was how the Financial Times described David Kauders’ first book, The Greatest Crash

E-book 9781907230776 $5.99. Print 9781907230264

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The Financial System Limit, by David Kauders
Psychology of Crowds (Revival)

The Financial System Limit

Gustave le Bon David Kauders
Mass behaviour Economics, finance, politics
"the unconscious irrational workings of group thought and mass emotion" Challenges the economic consensus

The Greatest Crash

Understanding Brexit Options

David Kauders David Kauders
Economics, finance, business Economics, politics (e-book only)
"Radical thinkers might have a point"


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